Fast & Reliable Connectivity Between Your Sites
Comtel provides reliable telecommunications services for a range of businesses across our private commercial telecommunications tower network.
With the largest privately owned tower network in Queensland, spanning regional and metropolitan South East Queensland, you can trust Comtel's telecommunication services, and internet and data connectivity is reliable, fast, secure and private.
For businesses requiring connectivity at one location or site hundreds of kilometres apart, our strategically placed towers provide fast links with an uptime of 99.98% reliability.
Whether we install a dish on an existing tower or plan and request permission for a new tower, we look after your communication connectivity from installation to completion.
Telecommunications network across Queensland providing microwave links, radio connectivity and more!
Our extensive tower network allows for visibility from Millmerran to Brisbane, up to Gympie and down to the Tweed.
Learn more about Comtel’s tower network.
Contact us today or learn more about why you should partner with Comtel.